Keep it Natural - Protecting Yourself and the Environment while Camping in Culebra
Ok, I admit it. I am sometimes a bit of a Hippy chick. In fact, on my recent trip to Isla Culebra, a man at one of the kiosks even told me I looked like a Hippy. I wanted to ask him if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I didn’t get the chance however, as the kiosk owner began asking me questions about how I wanted my food. I decided to take it as a compliment. I really wouldn’t classify myself as a Hippy, per se, but there are a lot of things about me that may make someone wonder. I care about my body, my well-being, and the environment. And just because I was away from home, didn’t mean that I left those beliefs behind. There were a couple things that I was concerned about while camping. Those were staying clean and keeping the bugs off. I wanted to be sure to do this while also keeping things natural. You don’t have to be a Hippy to take care of yourself and the environment. With a few simple steps, you can have a great and safe camping trip! As you may al...